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How To Grow A Dinosaur

EdPlus Code: W399539107
ISBN: 9780399539107
Publisher: PENGUIN
Unit: Each
Price: $25.45 (GST Exclusive)
$28.00 (GST Inclusive)
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Good news: Your mom's hatching a baby! Bad news: Babies take their sweet time. And when the baby finally hatches? He's too little to play! He mostly screeches, eats, burps, sleeps, and poops. He doesn't even know he's a dinosaur! That's where you come in. You can teach the baby just about everything--from peek-a-boo to roaring to table manners to bedtime. Growing a dinosaur is a big job, but you're perfect for it. Why? Because one thing your baby brother wants more than anything . . . is to be just like you. With silly kid-humor and sincere, moving moments, this new-sibling book is a perfect combination of funny, reassuring, and truly useful. It captures the excitement and joy of getting to guide a little brother or sister through life, and uses big laughs, great surprises, and gentle lessons to empower kids in how to be a great sibling and role-model to littler ones. Great for family reading and reading aloud.

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