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Basil the Bully and What-To-Do

EdPlus Code: W922358011
ISBN: 9781922358011
Publisher: Little Steps
Author: Maggie Gordon and Illustrated by Valery Vell
Unit: Each
Price: $13.59 (GST Exclusive)
$14.95 (GST Inclusive)
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In the land of 'What-To-Do' there is a dragon who has made such a nuisance of himself that he is known as 'Basil the Bully'! What can be done to stop him from terrorising the kingdom?

  • Questions why and how bullies are created, and shows that a little understanding, love and compassion from both sides can help.
  • Promotes questioning the way of things, altruism, leading by example, self-improvement, and most importantly, no bullying.
  • Vivid, detailed fairytale illustrations accompanied by rich and lively text.

About The Author

Maggie May Gordon was born and raised in Sydney. She commenced writing when she married and moved to a property on the western plains of NSW which she found very conducive to writing about the characters, flora and fauna of the Australian bush. An award-winning poet, her verses have been widely published and used in eisteddfod and radio presentations. Her lyrics have been performed on stage and television. Maggie is the original author & lyricist of Eureka! the Musical (Her Majesty’s, Melbourne 2004) which was nominated for Best Musical in the Robert Helpmann Awards for Australian Theatre 2005. Valery is an animator born in Poland, who spent most of her time in Russia, before moving to Indonesia. She enjoys drawing sweet and tender moments, especially in children's illustrations. Through her artwork, she wishes to draw attention to the good moments in life: joy, love, care, friendship, loyalty. Valery’s dream is for every child to have a place where they can be themselves and have freedom of imagination.

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